Elixir Revolution
The chemicals which get accumulated in tap water, normally do not have any kind of smell or taste. So people while drinking the water, do not even realize that they are risking their health. The toxins that contaminate the tap water, when get accumulated in the body, do not cause signs or symptoms right away. They take years to surface and by then the body gets severely deteriorated. All these facts about tap water which have been cited above, can be regarded as the tip of an iceberg. There are myriad other facts, such as these, which we are still aloof of. As there are minute chances of the situation getting improved on the outside, what you can do is, employ the latest in-home water purification technology. This way you can rest assured that the water you and your family are using is safe and hazard Water is considered as the most essential fluid for life. Why not, more than 50 percent of the body weight is contributed by water. Water in the body helps in carrying out the biochemical reactions, delivering nutrients to the cells, hydrating the body tissues, and excreting waste materials out of the body. In brief, every system of the body depends on water for performing the normal functions.